18 MAR 2013 by ideonexus
The Moon is Binary in Nature
Having heard the poem, Monkey went up to him and said, "Master, you only know about the moon's beauty,
and you're homesick too. You don't know what the moon's really about. It's like the carpenter's line and
compasses−−it keeps the heavenly bodies in order. On the thirtieth of every month the metal element of its
male soul has all gone, and the water element of its female soul fills the whole disk. That is why it goes black
and has no light. That's what is called the end of the old moon. ...Old Chinese way of thinking about the moon, with the bright side as yang and the dark side yin.
21 JUN 2012 by ideonexus
Experiment Demonstrating Plants Produce Breathable Air
When air has been freshly and strongly tainted with putrefaction, so as to smell through the water, sprigs of mint have presently died, upon being put into it, their leaves turning black; but if they do not die presently, they thrive in a most surprizing manner. In no other circumstances have I ever seen vegetation so vigorous as in this kind of air, which is immediately fatal to animal life. Though these plants have been crouded in jars filled with this air, every leaf has been full of life;...Folksonomies: experimentation
Folksonomies: experimentation
Using a mouse and a sprig of mint.